Meet Our Mentors
Bhagavan Das
Bhagavan Das (29) grew up in the ISKCON of Houston community and is a disciple of HH Gunagrahi Das Goswami. In the Houston ISKCON community he is involved with many services and enjoys sharing Krishna Consciousness with new people through various outreach programs. Bhagavan das is also a leader in TSI and has been an integral part of the organizations growth professionally he has worked as a Nurse for the last 7 years with a BSN and Masters in Nursing Leadership and Management. He has worked in a variety of healthcare setting and today is the manager of a Surgery Center with the Memorial Hermann Hospital System in Houston, TX. He loves basketball and you will often see him shooting hoops in his driveway regularly as well as watching any NBA game that is on at the moment. He and his wife Ami live in Houston, TX down the street from the Houston Temple.
Sundari Radha Devi Dasi
Sundari Radha Dasi is from Chicago, IL. She was initiated in 2018 and just recently got married this May. She has been teaching middle school for five years in Chicago but will soon be moving to England to live with her husband where she will teach in a primary school. She loves visiting Vrndavan and Mayapur during the month of Kartik. (Fun fact: Her birthday always falls in the month of Kartik as well. Yay!)
Akhanda NAma Das
Akhanda Nama Das joined ISKCON from a young age with his family. He has lived in India and the US but calls Chicago home. For many years he was a driving force in ISKCON Chicago’s youth group - Soul Connection. He regularly takes to time out to connect with younger devotees and encourage them in their Krishna Conscious journeys through reading groups and other gatherings. In 2015 he took initiation from HH Rompada Swami. Akhanda Nama has a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and has worked as a consultant, ultimately becoming a product manager in the tech industry. His friends would describe him as goofy but lovable and sincere always looking to put a smile on your face. He lives in Naperville, IL with his wife Nitya Priya Devi Dasi and daughter Remuna.
Gopika Kanta Devi Dasi
Gopika Kanta is an educator, disciple of HH Indradyumna Swami, mother of a toddler and at her core a second generation devotee passionate about spiritual education for youth. After finding herself frozen after being asked to play kartals at a university kirtan program she experienced a crisis of faith and discovered the existence of my double life. It was then with the guidance of loving mentors that she began to explore the role of Bhakti in her life beyond the walls of the temple.
For the past decade, she has dedicated her life to innovative, relevant and engaging spiritual education with hopes that all young people will discover their authentic connection to Bhakti and its empowering effect in life. Despite the work she has done as an educator, she still finds herself with doubts and questions. In the pursuit of doing more about this she started to author Making Bhakti Matter–a platform to challenge herself to articulate relevance and meaning behind our Bhakti tradition. She is honored and grateful for this opportunity to serve TSI’s mentorship program, and prays that she can pay forward love and support in the same incredible way she was blessed to received it.
Gokul Raj Das
Gokul Rạj Das grew up in ISKCON and is a disciple of HH Rtadhvaja Swami. He was born and raised in Vrindavan, India where he lived in and attended the Vrindavan Gurukala until the age of 17. Gokul Raj then moved to Texas and got a Bachelors in Communications as well as Masters in Organizational Development later on. The value of Sanga and Seva are at the core of his heart, he was a founder of TSI and continues to offer guidance to the organizations leaders today. Gokul Raj also spent many years serving in ISKCON of DC as well as in various projects for ISKCON North America at large. He has pursed his passions of helping organizations and people thrive as a consultant for the US Government in Washington DC and now as the Organizational Culture Lead at Avanti Schools Trust in the UK. Gokul Raj is an avid sports fanatic, world traveler and an amateur gardener. Gokul Raj lives in London, England with his wife Jai Gopali Devi Dasi.
Harini Mekala
Harini is very Gud.